Our deadline for orders is 7.00 pm Friday of each week. Orders received after our Friday deadline cutoff will be processed the following weekend for delivery the following week.

After the 7.00 pm Friday cutoff, all orders in our system are coalited and the hard-working Cookie lov’n team begins a long night ahead preparing the doughs for all of our Cookie orders. Once all done on Friday night and into the early hours of Saturday morning, all the raw Cookies start their chilling and resting period, which runs for at least 48 hours.

Why do we chill and rest our Cookie dough for 48 hours before baking?  

View THE SCIENCE BEHIND PERFECTION for complete details. 

After an absolute minimum of 48 hours of chilling and resting, it is now the very early hours of Monday morning, and the process of baking off all of those perfectly chilled and rested orders now begin. 

Throughout early Monday morning, into late Monday afternoon, orders are baked, rested, packaged, and then finally shipped. 

Getting our orders out early in the week means that there are never any issues with orders getting help up over weekends and your order arrives as fresh as possible for you to enjoy. 


There are GOOD Cookies and for a lot of people, good is plenty good enough. For others, they’re looking for the ultimate experience, the really GREAT Cookies. 

As with most recipes, you only get out of something, what you put in. Of course, when it comes to Cookies, using great ingredients is always going to give you a great start in making a completely delicious end product.  

However, there is one ingredient, usually overlooked by most, that plays a huge role in taking what are just good Cookies and turning them into truly GREAT Cookies. 

It’s TIME! 

Money can’t buy it, you can’t just chop it up and drop it into a recipe. You’re only option is to chill your dough and wait until time itself has finished working its magic. 

Everyone has their own secret Cookie dough recipe but the biggest secret to make the very best is CHILLING TIME! It’s one of those key ingredients that most will overlook but the one that makes a HUGE difference in producing product quality. 

Chilling and resting the Cookie dough is certainly one of those super important techniques employed by artisan bakers around the world who are really focused on producing the very best quality product possible. 

So, what does chilling and resting do? 

Two super important things. 

Firstly, chilling and resting time allows the eggs to hydrate the starch within the flour. Despite the flour looking completely hydrated to the naked eye straight after beating, this important process can only be completely accomplished with chilled resting time. 

This resting process allows the enzymes in the flour and egg yolk to break down the carbohydrates into the component sugars, fructose, and glucose, which then improves the overall product texture.

Secondly and very much equally or perhaps even more importantly, this chilling time also allows the flavours to develop and intensify, not unlike a marination process you would use to bring extra flavour to a great steak, for example.  

There are no shortcuts to producing the very best and we’re not about producing anything other than the best. Our focus is and always will be on quality because we want our customers to have the ultimate eating experience when enjoying our delicious Cookies.