If you’ve got family, friends, or someone super special that you know would LOVE our Cookies so much that you would love to order some for them but are a little unsure as to what to pick exactly, then our Cookie Coupons are the perfect gift idea. 

You don’t need to take the risk and order yourself, all you need to do is go to our Checkout Page and select the Cookie Coupon tab. Complete the details, add the amount you wish to spend on the coupon and we’ll email the coupon directly to the lucky recipient. 

To redeem is simple, they simply login, make their selection to the value of the coupon code, which includes the shipping cost, and then at the Checkout, just enter their Coupon Code they received in the email to place their order with ZERO cost. 

Note: users of Coupon Codes can make any sized purchase, however, any amount above the Coupon Code value provided (including the shipping) will result in a change for the excess amount above the value of the Coupon Code itself. 

For example, if the Coupon Code is for $50.00, then the total order, including shipping, must not exceed that $50.00 value. If, in fact, the total order comes to a total of $65.00, then there would be a charge of $15.00 to cover the excess of the Coupon Code.